Hello! This is my Story

This author has NEVER written a book before!

She is a house-wife of 43 years that has devoted her life to her husband, to her 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls) and 4 grandchildren (all girls) and a Dachshund dog named: Jazz.

The ONLY reason that she wrote this book was for three reasons:

1. The Holy Spirit prompted her to write this book.

2. After the Holy Spirit prompted her to write the book, she wanted others to have an insight of the gravity and seriousness of a COVID-19 experience as it exists inside of a reclusive COVID-19 Medical Ward.

3. Her hope is that in light of her near-death experience that EVERYONE will follow the COVID-19 protocol – which she did not do; so that they will NEVER have to experience a near-death episode (within minutes of death) in their lifetime – as she did